This week (12/10/14) I have the great pleasure of participating in a developmental workshop at the New York Theatre Workshop as part of their 2050 Fellowship Program.
Playwright, Martyna Majok shares a draft of a new untitled play in progress, which has its origins in her play, "John, Who Just Moved Here From Cambridge," which was presented at the Ensemble Studio Theatre as part of their monthly Sunday Brunch series, and which won first prize (GOLD) in this year's Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Short Play Festival.
The 2050 Fellows are emerging artists who, with their unique voices, give us perspective on the world in which we live; and who challenge us all to contend with this changing world. With the 2050 Fellowship, NYTW is re-affirming their responsibility to nurture artists who reflect this multiplicity of perspectives, challenge the dominant paradigm, and give voice to those whose experiences are not often heard.